1.04: Good Things Come in Threes?

Death, disease and drugs. Camp, queer and characterizations. Fat, food and phobias. Spaces, scenes and sex, notably threesomes.

Episode three of Queer as Folk: It happened one night…

Camp Alexander arrives in Manchester with his friend Dane and his boy toy Lee, and the rest of the Gay Gaggle (Stuart, Vince, Phil) head out to the clubs on Canal Street. Nathan comes clean to Donna about Stuart dumping him. They follow the Gay Gaggle to the club Babylon and witness Stuart using his magic words to land a threesome. Alexander and his friend Dane are less choosy and head off with a creepy undertaker. Phil takes home a man who offers him drugs and consequently leaves him to overdose and pass away on his kitchen floor.


“I’ve seen Kate Moss in that advert and I felt nothing”

At the end of the episode we look at the Calvin Klein advertising campaign Obsession featuring Kate Moss. Coincidentally we looked at another CK-ad in our first episode, featuring Mark Wahlbergs crotch.

Head over to History is Gay for some lavender linguistics!



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The gaggle of gays


From the left: Stuart, Lee, Nathan, Alexander, Vince, Dane and Phil


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1.03: Liminal Closet Space part 2

We get into queer history and sexual narratives.

We open with a piece of local Finnish queer history that relates to Queer as Folk in a surprising way! Then we head off into some sex talk: specifically sex acts seen in Queer as Folk and sexual narratives in general.

On a more personal note: Is it possible to re-write the sexual scripts that culture has taught us? And what is the difference between wanting sex and wanting orgasms? Towards the end we come back to the actual tv-show and talk about Stuarts online manhunt and the man he orders off the menu: “goodfuk” or Responsible Colin, as we call him.

Books & blogs

Sexologist Tanja Suhinina on the difference between wanting orgasms and wanting sex (in Swedish).

The history of gays and lesbians in Åbo/Turku, Finland: Yksityistilaisuus (2005) by Tarja Hautanen (in Finnish).

We use the Swedish Media Database & IMDB



Twitter & Queerasfolklorecast


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