1.06: Stay here, stay queer, get used to it

Strap in for a hands-on, pink, denim, fill-in-the-blank overview of episode five of Queer as Folk! Towards the end we lightly touch upon the concept of dating culture. Our discussion on adulting and gay archetypes was lost due to technical difficulties but the themes will be revisited in upcoming episodes!

Hosts Arwen, Marianne and Charlotta talk about the upcoming Queer as Folk reboot and discuss dating. What kind of Queer as Folk reboot would we like to see and what is dating like in Queer as Folk?

Golden Boy Stuart goes on a work date instead of babysitting for his sister as promised, undersexed Doctor Who fan Vince goes to dinner with Australian accountant Cameron and denim stalker Nathan keeps up the drama. Nathan needs no less than two mothers to keep him on track and he has recently caught politics. Vince plucks up the courage to call Cameron for a second date and he finally gets his shag.

Read the fill-in-the-blank overview from the podcast here.


Queer as Folk reboot

The Polyamrous Dating Habits of the North American Red Squirrel by Dia Davina



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