1.07: A Well Defined Saxon Compound

Queer + folklore = ❤

What does “queer” and “folklore” mean on this podcast? Is folklore queer? This is our first episode NOT discussing the tv-show Queer as Folk. This is, however, NOT a minisode even though we say so in the intro.

In the first part of the episode we discuss many things queer, often on a personal level. The second part is based on Charlotta’s recent intro lecture to folklore studies, but with snack breaks and questions that potentially have no answers. 

What is the relationship between Folkloristics (or Folklore Studies) and Ethnology? What is folklore and what do folklorists study? Is fan fiction folklore? How is folklore categorized? What is (bicycle) culture? How is Queer as Folk like a fantasy novel? 


00:00 Intro
03:01 There's nowt so queer as folk 07:20 What is queer? 11:56 How we use queer
27:53 A sidebar on zodiac signs as fun labels 36:57 What is folklore?
41:23 Folklore studies or Folkloristics 53:44 Markers of folklore
01:2:20 Folklore and nationalism
01:05:45 The term "folklore": a good saxon compound
01:13:20 Definitions of folklore
01:19:07 What is (bicycle) culture? 01:23:42 A newer way of looking at folklore genres
01:25:36 What is folklore about our podcast?


The podcast Nancy on the word queer

The Folklore Podcast

Ted talk by Lynne McNeill: Folklore doesn’t meme what you think it memes



Twitter, Instagram & Queerasfolklorecast.com. You can also get in touch with us at queerasfolklorecast@gmail.com


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