1.10: Pride and Power Moves

We chat about Pride season and discuss episode eight of Queer as Folk, where we find many variations of power dynamics at play, as well as the dichotomy pride and shame.

Vince slams the car door on commitment to Cameron, Stuart smashes the shop window of homophobia, Nathan gets to kick a queer bashing classmate out of the gay bar.

The season ends on an upbeat note with It’s Raining Men and almost everyone feeling victorious; well, except for Lance who is deported, Romy who has been betrayed by her partner Lisa and Janice who briefly gets her son Nathan home before he runs away to London with his best friend Donna. There’s a lot to unpack here.

This episode was recorded on May 14, just a week after we recorded episode nine. A lot was going on for us in May: Arwen was drowning in essay deadlines, Charlotta was graduating and Marianne was moving apartments. Our moods go from hysterical laughter to mellow contemplation.

And with this episode we wrap up season one and will be back in September. We enjoyed making this first season so much, and we hope you enjoy listening!


00:00 Podcast updates, pride season and looking queer
09:04 Episode facts and overview reading
18:21 The threat of deportation
22:58 In the classroom vs. at the gay bar
27:23 An effed up lesbian relationship
32:33 Saying "I love you" as a power move
45:04 Straights at the gay bar
54:08 Cars as metaphors
1:01:54 Liminal closet space (being both in and out of the closet)
1:14:34 The discussion on being in or/and out turns personal
1:23:28 On the song It's Raining Men


Åbo/Turku pride 2019  (some English)

Helsinki pride 2019 (In Finnish)

The video essay by Todd in the Shadows on the song It’s Raining Men is nowhere to be found on his channel, but available here.

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Twitter, Instagram & Queerasfolklorecast.com. You can also get in touch with us at queerasfolklorecast@gmail.com








1.09: Crayons of Adulthood

Our discussion keeps circling back to adulthood, or rather becoming an adult.

What is our generation to do when we can no longer rely on, or afford, the markers of adulthood that were afforded to the generation before us, like cars and houses?

Episode seven of Queer as Folk holds a large helping of (men failing at) adulting, a side dish of performing “real” relationships, a sprinkle of Doctor Who trivia.

We celebrate Charlotta, who is graduating with an MA in Folkloristics with gin & tonics (with LOTS of cucumbers, sorry)!


00:00 Prelude
00:01 Intro (TV-corner about She-Ra)
06:59 Episode facts and Doctor Who trivia
11:06 Vince turns 30 and Stuart has a secret plan
26:23 Time for presents! Vince gets a car and a robot dog.
31:30 Vince gets outed
45:02 Are the lesbians ok? Romy is marrying a man for noble reasons and her
partner Lisa is plotting against her.
01:01:51 Nathan doesn't fall into Stuarts sex trap
01:18:20 Summation & fresh jokes


We made a jumbled up reference to Bruce Lee’s “lost interview”.

Twitter thread: signifiers of adulthood by @joshmlabelle



Twitter, Instagram & Queerasfolklorecast.com. You can also get in touch with us at queerasfolklorecast@gmail.com


Clandestine meeting with Lisa and baby Alfred